My role  ID lead, Producer, lead workshop and 3D printed jewelry class /  My partner  Art director and lead traditional jewelry history class /  Sponsor  Makerbot

3D Printing Workshop

The company I cofounded Holy Faya wanted to reach out to the community and share the technology. My partner and I wanted to make an introduction about 3D printing and show how it is part of the design process. We created a workshop for mother’s day during NYC design week. Visitors came to learn about 3D printing, build and take home a Make a Wish bracelet.

  My role  ID lead, Producer, lead workshop and 3D printed jewelry class /  My partner  Art director and lead traditional jewelry history class /  Sponsor  Makerbot

My role ID lead, Producer, lead workshop and 3D printed jewelry class / My partner Art director and lead traditional jewelry history class / Sponsor Makerbot

 A personal bracelet made in 15 min. While waiting for the print to be finished the kids are writing their wishes to be later sealed inside their 3D printed bracelet.

A personal bracelet made in 15 min. While waiting for the print to be finished the kids are writing their wishes to be later sealed inside their 3D printed bracelet.
